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    16 eLearning Quotes to Inspire You [SlideShare]

    For many, the simplest ideas in the form of a short quote can help them think more clearly. That's why we've curated a list of what we think are some of the best eLearning or education quotes. You'll find thoughts from people like Elliot Massie, Dr. Michael Allen, to historical figures like Henry Ford. 

    We hope you get the dosis of inspiration from these famous eLearning industry professionals: 

    Our Top eLearning Quotes:

    1. "We need to bring learning to people instead of people to learning." Elliot Masie, Masie Center (@emasie)

    2. "We complain that learners want to be spoonfed, but then we won't let them hold the spoon." Jane Bozarth (@JaneBozarth)

    3. “The most important principle for designing lively eLearning is to see eLearning design not as information design but as designing an experience.” Cathy Moore (@CatMoore)

    4. “eLearning doesn't just "happen"! It requires careful planning and implementation”. Anonymous

    5. "The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay." Henry Ford

    6.  “Learning and teaching are not inherently linked. Much learning takes place without teaching, and indeed much teaching takes place without learning.” Jane Bozarth

    7. “People expect to be bored by eLearning—let’s show them it doesn’t have to be likethat!” Cammy Bean (@cammybean)

    8.  “Design is not just what it looks like or feels like, but how it works." Steve Jobs

    9. “Learning is changing.  And, we will see new models, new technologies and designs emerge.  So, let’s drop the “e” – or at least give it a new and wider definition”.  Elliot Masie, Masie Center  (@emasie)

    10. “eLearning shouldn’t be a casual joy ride on a Sunday afternoon with the cruise control engaged. The sole purpose of eLearning is to teach”. Christopher Palm

    11. “Where my reason, imagination or interest were not engaged, I would not or I could not learn." Winston Churchill

    12. "You can't teach people everything they need to know. The best you can do is position them where they can find what they need to know when they need to know it." Seymour Papert

    13. “If learners think it looks bad, you may have lost a good percentage of the battle in getting them to pay attention.” Patti Shank (@pattishank)

    14.  “The most profound words will remain unread unless you can keep the learner engaged. You can't see their eyes to know if they got it so ... say it, show it, write it, demo it and link it to an activity”. James Bates

    15. “People often tout interactivity as the great benefit offered by eLearning, yet most interactivity does nothing to either engage or instruct”. Ethan Edwards from Allen Interactions (@customelearning)

    16. “We don't care what people know, we care what they do. It's all about performance.” Michael Allen (@customelearning)

    What other quotes do you keep with you as you do your job for inspiration, guidance, or education? Let us know what you think.
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    Karla Gutierrez
    Karla Gutierrez
    Karla is an Inbound Marketer @Aura Interactiva, the developers of SHIFT. ES:Karla is an Inbound Marketer @Aura Interactiva, the developers of SHIFT.

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