SHIFT's eLearning Blog

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    Is Your Company Embracing Just-in-Time Learning?

    Are you struggling to keep your team's training up-to-speed with the pace of today's business demands? You're not alone. As job requirements shift and evolve at lightning speed, traditional training methods often fall short. That's where Just in Time Learning (JIT) comes into play—a strategy that delivers exactly what your team needs, right when they need it.

    6 Strategies to Promote Transfer of Learning In the Workplace

    We are in the midst of a skills revolution. Rapid changes demand that learning not only be quick but deeply relevant. With the challenge of "information overload," where too much data can overwhelm learners, it becomes essential to focus and streamline training efforts.

    Factors That Affect the Transfer of Learning in the Workplace

    Have you ever noticed that despite spending a lot on training programs, you're not seeing the expected improvements in workplace performance? This is a common frustration in the world of corporate learning and development. We invest in these training programs aiming to boost skills and productivity, but too often, the new knowledge and skills don't translate into better performance on the job.

    Beyond Compliance: 8 Ways to Inspire Continuous Learning Among Employees

    In a world that never pauses, where every moment is a battle against time and every corner is filled with distractions, the quest for continuous learning within our teams is more crucial than ever. As the digital age accelerates, driven by the relentless pace of artificial intelligence, the stakes for keeping our skills sharp and our knowledge fresh have never been higher. The challenge for those of us leading the charge in training is not just to keep pace but to inspire our teams to embrace the journey of lifelong learning.

    Before, During, and After Training: Improving Knowledge Transfer in Your Organization in 3 Stages

    So, you've got a burning desire to see your employees flourish and apply their newfound knowledge to tackle real challenges at work. You've invested time, money, and effort into their training, and you're not just looking for your employees to sit back and regurgitate information. Nope, you want them to roll up their sleeves, get their hands dirty, and put what they've learned into action!

    Comparing eLearning and Microlearning for Employee Development

    You know, when it comes to learning and professional development in the workplace, there are a couple of exciting resources that have been making waves lately. They're called custom eLearning and microlearning, and they're changing the game for busy professionals like us. Let's face it, with our hectic work schedules, finding time for traditional instructor-led training can be a real challenge. That's where eLearning modules come in handy. They offer the flexibility to learn at our own pace and conveniently fit it into our busy lives. Plus, they're a great way to keep our skills sharp and up-to-date while on the job. But wait, there's more! Enter microlearning. This nifty approach addresses the time crunch by encouraging frequent, bite-sized learning experiences. Instead of long, intensive training sessions, microlearning breaks down the content into small, easily digestible chunks. It's like having little learning snacks throughout the day! Here's the best part: eLearning and microlearning aren't mutually exclusive. In fact, you can combine them to create a powerful learning and communication strategy for your company. By incorporating both approaches, you can engage your employees in a variety of ways and provide them with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in their roles.

    8 Secrets to Designing a Successful Microlearning Program

    In today's fast-paced world, staying updated and continuously learning are more critical than ever for business success. We all know that the skills required for a job can change by a staggering 120% in just three years, according to a study by the IBM Institute for Business Value. That's where microlearning comes in! Microlearning has emerged as a game-changing training solution that perfectly aligns with the needs of our increasingly busy and connected workforce, who are always glued to their mobile devices. But here's the deal: just because a course is short doesn't automatically make it effective. It takes careful planning and execution to ensure that microlearning truly delivers the goods. So, if you're ready to dive into the world of microlearning, buckle up! In this article, we're going to explore the essential elements that make a microlearning program successful. We'll equip you with a solid guide to develop microlearning capsules that will captivate your learners and drive real results.

    The True Cost of Not Providing Employee Training

    Ignoring the training and development of your employees can lead to decreased productivity, higher turnover rates, and a negative impact on morale. Not only does this result in increased hiring and training costs, but it also limits the potential growth of your employees and the company as a whole. The cost of not investing in the growth and development of your employees far outweighs the cost of providing training opportunities." It's important for managers to understand that employees are not disposable and that investing in their growth and development is crucial to the success of the organization. Providing opportunities for professional development, training programs, and regular feedback and coaching can help employees become more skilled and confident in their roles. This not only leads to increased productivity, but it also boosts employee satisfaction and engagement, which can improve employee retention and reduce turnover rates. In the long run, investing in employee development will save companies time, money, and resources, and ultimately contribute to the overall success and growth of the organization. So, next time you're faced with the decision to "throw out the lamp" or invest in the growth of an existing employee, remember that fixing the bulb is not only more cost-effective but also leads to a brighter future for both the employee and the organization.

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