SHIFT's eLearning Blog

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    8 Essential Content Types to Boost Engagement in eLearning Courses

    Traditional eLearning methods—think of those straightforward, lecture-style lessons—are just not cutting it anymore. In a world full of distractions and with everyone's attention span shrinking, it's hard to keep learners interested. This lack of engagement doesn’t just make learning tedious; it also leads to poor results like low course completion rates and learners not really getting what they need out of their training.

    The Art of Spaced Learning: 4 Key Tips for Developing Impactful eLearning Courses

    Isn't it wild how much the workplace has transformed since 2020? With everything evolving so fast, the pressure to keep learning (and relearning) has never been higher. Now, think about this: When you design an eLearning course, you're aiming for real results, right? But what if it's not hitting the mark?

    Unlocking Learner Engagement: Psychological Techniques for eLearning Success

    Have you ever wondered why big brands pour so much money into market research before launching a single product? It's not just a high-stakes game of guesswork. Imagine this: a brand skips the research and dives headfirst into creating something. Sounds bold, right? But it's also a recipe for disaster. Here's the thing—brands exist for their customers. They're not just creating random products; they're crafting experiences tailored to what their customers crave, wrapped up in an irresistible package that delights the senses. Now, think about your role as an eLearning designer. It's not all that different, is it? Your mission is to craft learning experiences that pack a punch, sure, but they've also got to be eye candy for your learners. After all, you want them to enjoy the journey with you, to be engaged and eager for more.

    6 Proven Storytelling Techniques to Elevate Your eLearning Content

    Currently, we find ourselves in a new era of eLearning where simply providing content is no longer enough. Storytelling has emerged as a powerful tool for conveying information, especially when it comes to dense and technical content. This technique not only enhances knowledge retention but also enables employees to relate to real-life situations. In this article, we will delve into six key techniques to start implementing storytelling in your company's eLearning course creation. Despite your team dealing with numbers, tables, data, and graphs in their day-to-day, never underestimate their love for stories. In fact, they adore them! People naturally gravitate towards “experiences” that stir their emotions. Therefore, they crave training that feels more lively and dynamic, as opposed to being subjected to monotonous screens filled with serious and overwhelming information.

    Beyond Facts: The Art and Impact of Integrating Storytelling in eLearning

    Crafting an eLearning course is no small feat. Between coordinating with subject matter experts, aligning with business goals, and understanding your audience, there's plenty on your plate. So, why should you consider adding storytelling to the mix? The answer lies in the innate human connection to stories. Stories have been a powerful medium for centuries, captivating our minds and emotions. They shape our perceptions, influence our decisions, and define our identities. In today's digital age, the significance of stories hasn't waned. As noted in Psychology Today, our brains may not have evolved as rapidly as technology, but stories remain our bridge, helping us resonate with the myriad of digital messages around us. By weaving storytelling into your eLearning courses, you're not just adding another layer. You're enhancing the learning experience, making it more engaging and, ultimately, more effective.

    How To Avoid Designing Cluttered eLearning Screens

    How many times have you found yourself sitting through a course, feeling bewildered and lost because you couldn't determine what to focus on? And how often have you strained your eyes during a presentation, attempting to decipher the minuscule content squeezed into a tiny space at the bottom of the screen, from your distant seat in the fifth row? Unfortunately, these dreadful experiences are all too familiar. Even the most well-intentioned instructional designers have been guilty of creating cluttered and chaotic eLearning screens, where the intended message gets drowned amidst a chaotic mix of images, icons, text, charts, and graphs. This mishmash of visual elements not only overwhelms the screen but also tests the patience of learners, hindering their ability to grasp meaningful concepts from the course. To alleviate this issue, here are seven effective strategies to help you declutter your eLearning screens:

    Adult Learning Theories Every Instructional Designer Must Know

    As an instructional designer, you want to create courses that make a difference in your audience’s lives. You want to create experiences that inspire them, change mindsets and drive performance. In short, you want to create courses that resonate with them and hit the mark, every time.

    The 6 Laws of Learning No Instructional Designer Can Afford to Ignore

    You may pack your courses with tons of relevant content and awesome visuals, but if they don’t make a dent in the learner’s mind, they have failed in their purpose. It's time to STOP spending long hours working on courses that learners forget the moment they complete the course. You pour much love and sweat into the course creation. Your courses need to acknowledge the habits and tendencies of how people learn, so the experience becomes relevant, lasting, and useful to the learner.

    • 12 min read
    • Fri, Dec 30, 2022 @ 11:11 AM

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