SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    Marina Arshavskiy

    Marina Arshavskiy

    Senior Instructional Designer and ELearning Specialist

    Recent Posts:

    eLearning Evolution - The 3 Biggest Changes in 5 Years and How to Adapt to Them for Success

    Anyone who has been even remotely associated with eLearning over the past decade or so, will definitely have noticed the pace of change the industry has undergone – specifically over the last 5 years or so. From strides made in instructional design methodologies, such as Agile; to richer content integration in eLearning modules, such as video-on-demand and virtual reality, the industry has evolved at a tremendous pace. Let’s take a look at three of the biggest changes in eLearning, and understand how we can successfully adapt to provide eLearners a richer learning experience.

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      4 Tips on How to Convert Long-Form eLearning Courses to Micro Lessons

      As a training leader, you know the value of a well-crafted, comprehensive eLearning course. Some subjects indeed require depth and extended engagement, but you also recognize that not every learning objective needs to be met with lengthy sessions. Perhaps you've noticed a trend: employees are increasingly seeking quicker, more focused learning experiences that fit seamlessly into their busy schedules. This doesn't imply that your detailed courses are ineffective—far from it! Instead, it highlights an opportunity to amplify their impact by adapting some of this content into microlearning formats.

      Gamification in eLearning: What It Is, How to Use AI to Implement It, and What to Avoid

      eLearning has come a long way, thanks to all the tech advances, but let’s face it—there’s still one big challenge that sticks around: keeping employees motivated and engaged.

      Comparing E-Learning and Microlearning for Employee Development

      In the world of corporate training, 'eLearning' and 'microlearning' often pop up in discussions as if they're interchangeable. However, as training leaders, it's crucial to know they're not just trendy buzzwords and they're certainly not the same thing. Each has its own place in the arsenal of a training leader, tailored to meet different needs.