SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    5 Rules for Designing Multi-Device eLearning Courses

    Diving into today’s eLearning scene, creating courses that perform seamlessly across multiple devices isn’t just an added bonus—it’s absolutely essential. Consider this: more than 70% of learners flip between computers, tablets, and smartphones to access their education. This isn’t just a shift; it’s a revolution in how we engage with and absorb knowledge.

    Understanding The Difference Between eLearning and mLearning

    Navigating the realm of workplace learning presents its own set of challenges and opportunities. In particular, t, two terms have become quite prominent: eLearning and mLearning. But what truly distinguishes them, and do they significantly impact the way we learn and grow on the job? These terms encapsulate nuanced differences that are well worth exploring. Traditionally, the prevailing belief was that any training program should be accessible primarily through desktop computers. However, the landscape has evolved, hasn't it? Now, in the year 2023, the folks you're looking to gear up—those enthusiastic team players hungry to level up their skills—are packing a variety of gear, from laptops and tablets to trusty smartphones. And guess what? Each of these gadgets is like a ticket to non-stop learning. The numbers back it up too: a solid 60% of users are all about that mobile device convenience when it comes to diving into workplace learning materials and info. Yet, here's where the challenge and the opportunity lie: we've arrived at a juncture where merely converting existing training content to fit mobile formats isn't sufficient. Designing an effective eLearning experience for mobile devices isn't simply about adapting content to a smaller screen. It entails a holistic approach that leverages the unique strengths of mobile devices, creating a learning experience that seamlessly integrates with the dynamic pace of modern work life. In this article, we will delve into the fundamental distinctions between eLearning and mLearning in a workplace context, shedding light on how each approach can shape and elevate the learning journey of employees. Also read: Embracing a Mobile Mindset for Learning and Development

    5 Reasons Why Your Company Needs a Learning Record Store (LRS)

    Want to promote informal learning in your company? Need to keep track of online and offline training? Your main challenge when tracking a learning experience in your business is the lack of actionable data? Do you want to track each of your employees' progress at a detailed level, in real-time? Do your students access training content from multiple sources (from LMS to other third-party learning applications)? If you answered yes to one or some of these questions... Then you'll be interested to learn more about xAPI and LRS technologies in the corporate training environment. For learning and development leaders, getting acquainted with these concepts is key to implementing a training strategy that responds to the technological changes and new context we live in today.

    • 15 min read
    • Fri, Apr 16, 2021 @ 03:48 PM

    4 Reasons Companies Should Adopt Mobile Learning…Are You Missing the Boat?

    There is no question about it: now is the time to embrace mobile. Mobile learning (mLearning), is a rapidly growing area for training and development departments in organizations of all industries. It provides companies the opportunity to reach and engage employees in new and striking ways.

    • 11 min read
    • Tue, Mar 20, 2018 @ 06:00 PM

    Mobile Usage Habits of Today’s Corporate Learner

    The typical modern-day corporate learner never leaves home without his or her smartphone. This mobile device, after all, serves as an extension of technology-savvy individuals. With it, they search the web for information, scour data online to learn, and keep themselves entertained. This alone creates new opportunities for you and other eLearning professionals to reach the always-on corporate learner.

    Mobile Learning 101: Everything an Instructional Designer Needs To Know

    The web is abuzz with talks of mobile learning. With its rise come many benefits, from higher productivity to better engagement. But with all the noise or constant stream of data online, it's difficult to find really useful information. That's why we've gleaned some links to resources specifically to help instructional designers get a holistic view about the subject.

    SHIFT's New Feature: Scenarios and Avatars for Any Mobile Device

    2014 started off right, full of motivation and effort clearly focused on meeting our commitment to quality and innovation in every action we take.

    The Mobile Workforce – Everything You Need To Know in 5 Infographics

    It's no secret that our portable devices have changed the way we work, live and learn. They still are changing things, whether we like it or not. Mobile isn't a trend, it's a new reality, and those that plan for it will reap the rewards.

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      5 Rules for Designing Multi-Device eLearning Courses

      Diving into today’s eLearning scene, creating courses that perform seamlessly across multiple devices isn’t just an added bonus—it’s absolutely essential. Consider this: more than 70% of learners flip between computers, tablets, and smartphones to access their education. This isn’t just a shift; it’s a revolution in how we engage with and absorb knowledge.

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