SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    Diana Cohen

    Diana Cohen

    Education Writer | eLearning Expert | EdTech Blogger. Creativa, apasionada por mi labor, disruptiva y dinámica para transformar el mundo de la formación empresarial.

    Recent Posts:

    Is Your Company Embracing Just-in-Time Learning?

    Are you struggling to keep your team's training up-to-speed with the pace of today's business demands? You're not alone. As job requirements shift and evolve at lightning speed, traditional training methods often fall short. That's where Just in Time Learning (JIT) comes into play—a strategy that delivers exactly what your team needs, right when they need it.

    Factors That Affect the Transfer of Learning in the Workplace

    Have you ever noticed that despite spending a lot on training programs, you're not seeing the expected improvements in workplace performance? This is a common frustration in the world of corporate learning and development. We invest in these training programs aiming to boost skills and productivity, but too often, the new knowledge and skills don't translate into better performance on the job.

    5 Steps to Design eLearning That Meets Business Goals

    In the realm of eLearning, there's a crucial truth that often gets overlooked: Learning that doesn't align with business needs rarely delivers real value. The cornerstone of creating learning experiences that drive business performance is an upfront investment in understanding three key elements: the learner, the specific business need, and the problem that needs solving. This article is here to guide you through three practical tips to achieve just that.

    Beyond the Checkbox: How To Create eLearning Courses That Enhance Employee Motivation, Skills, and Satisfaction

    As the go-to person for training in your company, you're in quite an interesting spot right now. It's 2024, and the whole game of workplace learning is changing fast – it's all about new trends and shifting what people need and want. Your job isn't just about rolling out those e-learning courses anymore. It's more about crafting learning experiences that really change the game for your team. We're talking about the kind of learning that sticks, makes a difference, and gets people fired up about what they do.

    The Consequences of Ignoring Training Needs Analysis in eLearning

    In today's fast-paced world, where artificial intelligence and cutting-edge technologies are revolutionizing how we learn and train, it's easy to think we can cut corners. Have you ever encountered clients or team members who are all too ready to skip the training needs analysis when developing an eLearning course? They're pretty confident they've decoded their employees' needs through technology and insights. "Why bother with the basics when we have advanced tools at our disposal?" they argue. But here's a reality check: Even in an age where AI seems to have answers to everything, certain foundational steps can't be sidestepped. Neglecting the training needs analysis is akin to constructing a skyscraper on a fragile foundation. It might seem faster, but it's fraught with risks.

    The Art of Spaced Learning: 4 Key Tips for Developing Impactful eLearning Courses

    Isn't it wild how much the workplace has transformed since 2020? With everything evolving so fast, the pressure to keep learning (and relearning) has never been higher. Now, think about this: When you design an eLearning course, you're aiming for real results, right? But what if it's not hitting the mark?

    x-Learning: 3 Tips to Evolve from Courses to Learning Experiences

    Are you feeling frustrated with the traditional way of creating online courses, sensing that they no longer meet current demands? Do you find that your virtual programs just can't keep up in this era dominated by advanced technology and omnipresent mobile devices? It's time to acknowledge that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just a passing trend, but a booming revolution that is profoundly and enduringly reshaping the eLearning universe.

    SHIFT Wins Brandon Hall's Gold Award for Best Advance in AI for Business Impact

    SHIFT AI, a groundbreaking platform powered by an advanced suite of AI tools, has reached a new milestone on its path of innovation.

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      How to Leverage AI to Solve Key L&D Challenges and Boost Learning Impact

      In today's landscape, training and development departments are tackling a range of challenges from technological upgrades to creating content that's accessible and engaging for a diverse workforce. This complex landscape is reflective of broader industry trends where the pace of change is not just fast, but accelerating. The Industry at a Glance: According to LinkedIn's 2022 Workplace Learning Report, 64% of learning and development professionals agree that their role has become more challenging compared to just two years ago. This is largely due to the rapid technological shifts and the increasing demand for digital upskilling. A recent Gartner survey highlights that 58% of the workforce needs new skill sets just to keep up with their current job demands, let alone future innovations. The same Gartner study points out that the shift to more remote and hybrid work models has necessitated a complete rethink of traditional training methods. This includes not only the mediums of delivery but also the content itself to ensure inclusivity and engagement across geographies and cultures.

      5 Rules for Designing Multi-Device eLearning Courses

      Diving into today’s eLearning scene, creating courses that perform seamlessly across multiple devices isn’t just an added bonus—it’s absolutely essential. Consider this: more than 70% of learners flip between computers, tablets, and smartphones to access their education. This isn’t just a shift; it’s a revolution in how we engage with and absorb knowledge.

      Is Your Company Embracing Just-in-Time Learning?

      Are you struggling to keep your team's training up-to-speed with the pace of today's business demands? You're not alone. As job requirements shift and evolve at lightning speed, traditional training methods often fall short. That's where Just in Time Learning (JIT) comes into play—a strategy that delivers exactly what your team needs, right when they need it.