SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    Brigg Patten

    Brigg Patten

    Writes in the business and tech spaces. He's a fan of podcasts, bokeh and smooth jazz. His time is mostly spent learning the piano and watching his Golden Retriever Julian chase a stick.

    Recent Posts:

    How to Encourage Your Employees to Take Initiative and Train Themselves

    To grow as people, we should each constantly be striving for improvement, looking for ways to learn, progress, and better ourselves. A good company does whatever it can to educate and cultivate well-preforming employees, but the best employees are ones that take the initiative themselves and continually look for ways to expand upon their current knowledge and skill set. These are the employees who will shine in their positions. As employers, there are certain ways that we can cultivate an environment of learning, and encourage people to take the initiative, ultimately giving better benefits to both the company and themselves. But how does one do that? How exactly can your employees take the initiative and grow in your field? Here are a few ideas you can inculcate among them:

    How Digital Trends Are Impacting Learning within Companies

    We’ve come a long way in the ways of corporate training and learning. The history of corporate training and development dates back to 1872 where Hoe and Company established factory schools to help train machinists during the Industrial Revolution. By 1917, corporate training had expanded into “Show, Tell, Do and Check” method from Charles R. Allen where he would walk his shipyard workers through complex processes. By the 1950’s and 1960’s, computers help introduce virtual reality and technology-assisted instruction. As the world becomes more innovative, so are the ways we learn in school, at our jobs, and in life. Gone are the days where onboarding and corporate training is a one size fits all video for employees to learn and engage in. Today, corporate training programs have the choice, from microlearning to custom eLearning development, on how to best train their incoming workforce. As such, these training programs will most likely incorporate current digital trends to not only help engage top talent but help them grow within their career and stay with the company longer. Below are four digital trends that are impacting corporate training and learning, and why organizations should consider incorporating them.

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