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    SHIFT Wins 3 Silver Brandon Hall Learning Technology Awards

    SHIFT, the eLearning authoring ecosystem, has won three coveted Brandon Hall Silver awards for technology excellence in the Rich Media, Rapid Authoring and Evaluation or Testing categories. SHIFT changes the models of eLearning development. SHIFT allows the development of a rich, interactive and engaging learning experience with no need for advanced technical skills. It’s a one-stop solution for instructional design, media recording, media editing, immersive scenarios and simulations, testing, collaboration and workflow management, all integrated into one cloud-based environment. All processes integrated and managed within the system, including media management, work assignments, reviewing, project documentation and even RFQ’s for outsourcing from external third party vendors. SHIFT’s database driven architecture also makes content reutilization, localization and subsequent changes simple. "We firmly believe that we have created an authoring environment that changes the way eLearning is done. SHIFT is opening up markets for thousands of organizations and individuals that considered eLearning development either too complex or too costly. One single development environment that can produce rich media courses with the resource investment of rapid development" said Randolf Kissling, CEO of Aura Interactiva, the developers of SHIFT . The Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning Technology Awards are presented by Brandon Hall Group, a leading research firm in training and development. The Learning Technology Awards program showcases innovations in the products in the marketplace for creating and managing learning, talent, and performance. “These excellent tools and systems are the cutting edge of learning technology,” said Tom Werner, chief research officer and director of the Awards program. “They really change for the better how people learn in the workplace.” About SHIFT SHIFT is used by organizations that need to get more eLearning done, faster and more efficiently. SHIFT is an award winning authoring system that has the necessary elements to empower a user to create rich, interactive courses, with no technical knowledge, rapidly. By using SHIFT, the user has access to all the necessary elements to create an effective and great looking course anywhere at anytime. Automated, smart interface interactions, games, simulations, media recording, and scenario builders, available in one integrated package. SHIFT allows for specialization of labor, collaboration, review, update and content reutilization that will make large eLearning development teams dramatically more effective and more productive. For more information visit: About Brandon Hall Group Having worked with more than 5,000 clients globally and after 17 years of delivering world-class solutions, Brandon Hall Group is the preeminent research and analyst organization focused on developing research-driven solutions to drive organizational performance for emerging and large organizations. Through the recent merger of Brandon Hall Research and AC Growth, Brandon Hall Group has an extensive repository of thought leadership, research, data, and expertise in Learning and Development, Talent Management, Sales, Marketing, and Executive Management. For more information visit:

    SHIFT Wins Gold and Bronze Brandon Hall Learning Technology Awards

    May 6, 2010, Toronto: SHIFT, developed by Aura Interactiva and distributed by MindMuze, both leaders in innovative learning, won two coveted Brandon Hall awards for technology excellence. A Gold Award was received in the Rich Media category and a Bronze Award was received in the Rapid Development category.

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