SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    4 Signs Your eLearning Course Needs Improvement

    In today's fast-paced world, eLearning courses can't stay the same forever. They need to keep evolving to stay relevant and effective. Updating your courses isn’t just about the latest tech and teaching methods. It also means keeping the topics and content fresh and aligned with the latest trends and market demands. You need to constantly check if your content is hitting home with your audience and making the impact you want. This ongoing assessment is key to ensuring your investment in course development pays off. But knowing when and how to make these updates can be tricky. It's tough to be objective about your own work, but it's crucial to keep your training content from becoming outdated.

    8 Essential Content Types to Boost Engagement in eLearning Courses

    Traditional eLearning methods—think of those straightforward, lecture-style lessons—are just not cutting it anymore. In a world full of distractions and with everyone's attention span shrinking, it's hard to keep learners interested. This lack of engagement doesn’t just make learning tedious; it also leads to poor results like low course completion rates and learners not really getting what they need out of their training.

    Why and How to Measure Engagement in Your eLearning Programs

    Creating an e-learning course and then just calling it a day simply isn't enough. It's about continuously refining and improving the course content and the way it's delivered. More importantly, it's about keeping a close eye on factors like engagement to ensure that the learning objectives are actually being met. Think of it like gardening: you don’t just plant seeds and walk away. You water them, shield them from weeds, and make sure they get enough sun. Similarly, in e-learning, you can’t just launch a course and forget about it. You need to nurture it, see how it’s received, and adjust the content as needed to make sure it’s effective and resonates with your team. This ongoing process of monitoring and tweaking helps turn a good course into a great one that truly enhances skills and knowledge.

    6 Strategies to Promote Transfer of Learning In the Workplace

    We are in the midst of a skills revolution. Rapid changes demand that learning not only be quick but deeply relevant. With the challenge of "information overload," where too much data can overwhelm learners, it becomes essential to focus and streamline training efforts.

    3 Strategies to Boost Engagement in Your eLearning Programs

    In today's eLearning environment, success metrics have evolved beyond simply ticking off course completions. Today, the true measure lies in the depth of a learner's engagement with the content. This shift in focus recognizes that being logged in isn’t the same as being tuned in.

    Factors That Affect the Transfer of Learning in the Workplace

    Have you ever noticed that despite spending a lot on training programs, you're not seeing the expected improvements in workplace performance? This is a common frustration in the world of corporate learning and development. We invest in these training programs aiming to boost skills and productivity, but too often, the new knowledge and skills don't translate into better performance on the job.

    Boosting eLearning Effectiveness: Focus on These 4 Key Areas

    Are you struggling to see the engagement and results you expected from your eLearning courses? Do you find yourself wondering if there’s a way to enhance your course’s effectiveness without having to overhaul the entire content? You're not alone. Many course creators face these challenges, but the good news is that significant improvements can be achieved by refining key elements of your course rather than starting from scratch.

    Are Your e-Learning Programs Hitting the Mark? Let’s Find Out!

    In the fast-paced digital landscape, eLearning isn’t just an option—it’s the backbone of modern corporate training. But if you're leading these initiatives, you know all too well the challenge of proving their worth. Let's face it, tracking course completions hardly scratches the surface. Does checking off boxes truly tell us anything about real success? It’s 2024, and it’s high time we rethink our metrics.

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