SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    Essential Tips for Upskilling and Reskilling in the Age of AI

    Ever wondered how your company can keep up with the rapid pace of technological advancements?

    Beyond Compliance: 8 Ways to Inspire Continuous Learning Among Employees

    In a world that never pauses, where every moment is a battle against time and every corner is filled with distractions, the quest for continuous learning within our teams is more crucial than ever. As the digital age accelerates, driven by the relentless pace of artificial intelligence, the stakes for keeping our skills sharp and our knowledge fresh have never been higher. The challenge for those of us leading the charge in training is not just to keep pace but to inspire our teams to embrace the journey of lifelong learning.

    5 Rules for Future-Proofing Your eLearning Courses

    Do you feel overwhelmed by how quickly job market demands change and how seemingly slow traditional training methods are to adapt? Are you frustrated by spending months developing eLearning courses, only to find yourself updating them shortly after due to rapid shifts in professional needs? Do you notice that existing courses no longer capture your team's attention or interest, losing their effectiveness almost immediately? If these questions resonate with you, know that you're not alone. Most leaders in organizational development and learning share these concerns and are looking for effective solutions.

    Maximizing Retention: Strategies to Make Your eLearning Courses Memorable

    Have you ever wondered why some information sticks with us long after we've learned it, while other details seem to disappear almost as soon as we hear them? It's a curious aspect of our memory that can be both fascinating and, at times, frustrating. Consider this: You've just completed an online course, feeling confident in your grasp of the material, only to discover that much of what you learned seems to evaporate in the days that follow. This phenomenon is all too familiar to many of us, and it presents a unique challenge for those of us in the field of Learning & Development (L&D) and eLearning content creation. Our goal is to create courses that not only engage learners but also ensure that the information sticks.

    5 Essential Content Creation Tips For eLearning Success

    So, you've been handed the exciting task of creating an eLearning course. Now what? Let us help you get with it and nail each aspect of the content development process. You might be wondering, "Is there a magic formula for crafting eLearning content that's both relevant and captivating?" Well, the truth is, each project is a unique beast because of a bunch of factors like the size of your team, how much content you need to produce, what the subject is, the best way to deliver that content, how much your audience already knows, and of course, your business objectives. These elements all play a huge role in shaping your course's direction.

    6 Keys to Creating eLearning Programs Your Employees Will Love

    Creating a culture of continuous learning within your organization is more than just a professional development strategy—it's an investment in the future of the company and the well-being of its employees. In today's fast-paced world, where trends and technologies evolve rapidly, staying updated is paramount for maintaining competitiveness and driving innovation. However, the true test lies not merely in rolling out training programs but in ensuring that employees actively engage with them and cultivate a genuine passion for learning.

    4 Key Reasons Why eLearning Fails & Tips for Turning It Around

    Have you ever wondered why your eLearning course isn't quite hitting the mark, despite all your hard work? It's frustrating, we know. You've put in the hours and made sure your course is packed with good info, everything looks great and works on any device. But, for some reason, it's just not clicking with your learners. They're signing off early, not really getting involved, or even leaving some less-than-stellar feedback. Think of it like this: In cooking, one wrong ingredient can mess up your whole dish. It's pretty much the same with eLearning. Sometimes, it's the small things that can throw off the whole experience.

    5 Steps to Design eLearning That Meets Business Goals

    In the realm of eLearning, there's a crucial truth that often gets overlooked: Learning that doesn't align with business needs rarely delivers real value. The cornerstone of creating learning experiences that drive business performance is an upfront investment in understanding three key elements: the learner, the specific business need, and the problem that needs solving. This article is here to guide you through three practical tips to achieve just that.

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