SHIFT's eLearning Blog

Our blog provides the best practices, tips, and inspiration for corporate training, instructional design, eLearning and mLearning.

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    The Consequences of Ignoring Training Needs Analysis in eLearning

    In today's fast-paced world, where artificial intelligence and cutting-edge technologies are revolutionizing how we learn and train, it's easy to think we can cut corners. Have you ever encountered clients or team members who are all too ready to skip the training needs analysis when developing an eLearning course? They're pretty confident they've decoded their employees' needs through technology and insights. "Why bother with the basics when we have advanced tools at our disposal?" they argue. But here's a reality check: Even in an age where AI seems to have answers to everything, certain foundational steps can't be sidestepped. Neglecting the training needs analysis is akin to constructing a skyscraper on a fragile foundation. It might seem faster, but it's fraught with risks.

    The Art of Spaced Learning: 4 Key Tips for Developing Impactful eLearning Courses

    Isn't it wild how much the workplace has transformed since 2020? With everything evolving so fast, the pressure to keep learning (and relearning) has never been higher. Now, think about this: When you design an eLearning course, you're aiming for real results, right? But what if it's not hitting the mark?

    x-Learning: 3 Tips to Evolve from Courses to Learning Experiences

    Are you feeling frustrated with the traditional way of creating online courses, sensing that they no longer meet current demands? Do you find that your virtual programs just can't keep up in this era dominated by advanced technology and omnipresent mobile devices? It's time to acknowledge that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just a passing trend, but a booming revolution that is profoundly and enduringly reshaping the eLearning universe.

    SHIFT Wins Brandon Hall's Gold Award for Best Advance in AI for Business Impact

    SHIFT AI, a groundbreaking platform powered by an advanced suite of AI tools, has reached a new milestone on its path of innovation.

    The Science Behind What Makes an eLearning Design Effective

    Let's get real about design—sure, we all want our courses to look good. It feels great to pour our hearts into making something that catches the eye. But here's the thing: if your slick design isn't also crystal clear and easy to use, it's like a sports car with no engine. Looks great, but will it get you where you need to go? Nope. You know the drill. You click into a course full of excitement, only to get lost in flashy features that make it hard to find the actual content. Or maybe the text is so tiny or the colors so jarring that you're squinting two minutes in. Frustrating, right? That's why nailing eLearning design is more science than art. It's about knowing what makes your learners tick, what draws them in, and what drives the message home so that it sticks. Get this right, and you're not just sharing information; you're creating a learning experience that could change the way they see the world. Sounds powerful, doesn't it? That's because it is.

    Unlocking Learner Engagement: Psychological Techniques for eLearning Success

    Have you ever wondered why big brands pour so much money into market research before launching a single product? It's not just a high-stakes game of guesswork. Imagine this: a brand skips the research and dives headfirst into creating something. Sounds bold, right? But it's also a recipe for disaster. Here's the thing—brands exist for their customers. They're not just creating random products; they're crafting experiences tailored to what their customers crave, wrapped up in an irresistible package that delights the senses. Now, think about your role as an eLearning designer. It's not all that different, is it? Your mission is to craft learning experiences that pack a punch, sure, but they've also got to be eye candy for your learners. After all, you want them to enjoy the journey with you, to be engaged and eager for more.

    10 Golden Rules for eLearning Course Design Mastery

    Let's face it – nobody gets excited about a grainy movie or sticks with a book that's a minefield of typos. It's a no-brainer, right? So, let's talk about your eLearning courses. Shouldn't the same rules of engagement apply? Consider this: a course that's a maze of bad design, confusing navigation, or just crammed with too much info is like that movie or book – it’s going to turn your learners off. And we all know what happens next – they check out, and not in the 'mission accomplished' kind of way. Now, think about your team. They’re curious, they’re hungry for knowledge, but let's be real – no one's keen on drudging through dull, time-consuming content that feels like a throwback to school days. The modern workforce wants learning that’s not just informative, but also engaging and fits into their fast-paced lifestyle. That's the puzzle we're solving together.

    6 Knowledge Retention Strategies For More Effective eLearning

    Isn't it curious how the human brain works? We've all been there—grasping for a name or face we just learned last week while vividly recalling a movie character from our childhood. Think about it: those history dates from school vanish like smoke, but the details of a high school chemistry experiment? Crystal clear. It's a quirky thing, memory. Some stories fade into the mist of our minds, while others stay with us, as sharp as the day we first read them. Now, if you're an instructional designer, you're probably nodding along, because you're on a mission to crack this code. Why do we hold onto some pieces of information as if they're treasures, yet let others slip away? That's the million-dollar question. You see, you don't just want to fill heads with facts. You're aiming for the kind of learning that sticks, that lasts way beyond the final quiz—knowledge that's there when it's needed in the real world. That's the dream, right?

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